Unexpected Turn

Eventually, Sunny climbed out of the bath, dressed himself, and moved to the kitchen to make himself something to eat.

After the intense gauntlet of the Gate battle, he was hungry like a wolf. Ravenous, really...

Cooking calmed him down a little, and the pleasant smell made his mood a bit better. Now that Sunny had some time to think, he saw the whole situation in a new light.

Yes, his hope for Mongrel to be forgotten was utterly shattered. But there was a bright side to this fiasco — now that he had completely failed to keep a low profile... there was no more reason to. Which meant that he could resume practicing Shadow Dance in the Dreamscape, and hopefully master its second step before winter came.

He just had to rethink how he viewed the persona of Mongrel.

Initially, Sunny had planned for it to be unseen and anonymous, merely a camouflage he would put on to accomplish certain things — things that were inconvenient or too dangerous to be tied to his own name.