Time Map

Over the next few revolutions, Sunny repeated the same actions. He would summon the Fragment of Shadow Realm, rescue Jet, enter the cave system below the island with the cohort, and slay the Cavern Terror. Then, they would proceed to the far side of the island, find Effie, and hide from danger until the end of the loop. 

Each time, the time it took to reach the northern edge of Wind Flower grew shorter… but it was still not nearly short enough. 

So, Sunny continued to study the island and perfect his time map. He kept the cohort safe — or at least tried to — and explored Wind Flower through shadow sense.

He progressed swiftly due to how drastically the Fragment extended its reach. Sunny already knew which places on the island were too dangerous to observe, so he managed to avoid drawing the attention of the beings who dwelled there. Apart from those horrors, the rest of the creatures imprisoned on Wind Flower were now like an open book to him.