Darkest Shadow

Sunny massaged his tired shoulders and yawned. As a Saint — and quite a special one at that — he did not tire easily. Still, this latest marathon had been a little exhausting. From battling Revel to fusing with Shadows and Memories, to weaving without rest for a week straight… his mind was in dire need of respite. 

Particularly because neither the Lord of Shadows nor Rain's teacher had any time to rest, either.

Shaking his head, Sunny picked up the [Bag of Withholding], opened its clasp, and stored the rest of the Memories inside. With that done, he finally left the basement of the Brilliant Emporium, expecting to crash onto his lavish bed on the second floor and go to sleep. 

However, before that, he walked over to the entrance and returned the Silver Bell to its usual place above the door. 

"There. All better."

Sunny stared at the bell for a few moments.

'It's a little funny.'