Rumor Mill

Rain was stirred awake by the blaring of a war horn. Opening her eyes to a stark darkness, she sighed and pulled a piece of cloth off her face — the cloth was nothing more than one of her shirts rolled to resemble a blindfold, which she used to block out the light. 

Almost every soldier in Godgrave had been forced to seek out darkness in some way or another. The perpetual radiance of the murderous sky was both oppressive and a source of constant fear, but most of all, it was exhausting. It was bright almost everywhere one went, which made sleep elusive. So, they had learned ways to cope with the hateful absence of darkness and night.

Rain's way was on the primitive side, but it still let her sleep in peace. Which was why she was quite unhappy to have been awoken so early.

'What the hell is going on…'