The Incredible Adventures and Astonishing Deeds of Heroic Dreamer Sunless and his Brave Disciple Rain, Abridged (Volume VIII)

Sunny had not planned to confess the truth of their bond to Rain today. He had only wanted to show her the spoils of his raid on the supply caravan, so that she could connect the dots and realize that her teacher and the Lord of Shadows were the same person. 

The two armies were going to clash soon, so Sunny had judged that it was time to start slowly revealing the true nature of the war to Rain. She was directly involved in the conflict between the Sovereigns, after all, so he had to give her an opportunity to prepare herself for its resolution.

Because that resolution was not going to be what people on either side expected it to be. 

However, Rain reacted in a way that forced Sunny to share more truth than he had wanted to… and although he could have avoided her poignant question despite the strict limitations of his Flaw, after thinking about it for a few fleeting moments, he chose not to.