
The shadow of Condemnation had not been destroyed, but it was currently vulnerable. And while Sunny and the ruthless slayer of the Shadow Realm were both in quite a sorry state, they were also both positioned perfectly to deal the weakened deity a fatal blow. 

Well, Sunny was alive. The mysterious shadow was dead, but... refusing to depart.

In any case, either of them could kill the shadow of Condemnation. The only question was who would strike first. 

So, Sunny rushed forward without wasting any time. Or he tried to, at least… sadly, his body was damaged quite severely, so the best he could manage was limping forward with urgent haste. 

'Ah, it hurts…'

That was what he would have thought in any other circumstances. But currently, there was only one thought in his mind:

'Kill it, kill it… I must kill it first!'