Paving the Road to Grace

Sunny could not help but tense up after hearing a hint of coldness in the skeleton's usually carefree and friendly tone. 

At that moment, he realized the precariousness of his position with painful clarity. 

Here he was, in the darkness of the Shadow Realm, beaten and battered… talking to one of the Nine while holding the shadow of another down. Sure, the archer was barely conscious and seemingly in no state to continue the battle, but on the other hand, the only safe enemy was a dead one. 

He had no idea what kind of powers Eurys of the Nine possessed, but they had to be quite mystical for the wandering skeleton to traverse the Underworld and reach the Shadow Realm more or less in one piece. 

It was alarming, to learn that the mysterious Nine had some kind of grudge against the Goddess of Life and her followers. 

Sunny chose his next words carefully.