Act of Defiance

Seeing how twisted Sunny's face had become — one of his faces, at least, since the seventh incarnation did not deem it worthy to react in any way — Eurys let out a laugh. 

Those chuckles of his were seriously starting to get on Sunny's nerves... 

The jovial voice resounded from the depths of the white skull a moment later:

"Don't be too disheartened, boy. Everyone has to follow their own path to Supremacy, and the nature of the last step is different for each Supreme. However… there is some commonality between them. A shared principle that is revealed if one observes carefully. I can't tell you what exactly it is that you must do to become Supreme, but I can share my observations with you."

He paused for a moment. 

"After all, it is in my best interest to see you usurp the throne of shadows. You might actually manage to kill me then."

Sunny let out a frustrated sigh.