The Good, the Bad and the Centaur

Lost in the depths of a Death Zone and facing one of the most prolific killers of the Legacy regime, Cassie remained calm.

Why would she feel agitated?

Yes, Saint Jest was powerful. And she had indeed been lured here to be slaughtered — the old man was a deadly predator, while Cassie was his hapless prey. 

Or so it seemed. 

In truth, she was a predator herself. It wasn't just Jest who had wanted to lure Cassie away from her allies — she had wanted to get him alone and away from the King of Swords for the longest time, too.

After all, the old man was her target. He knew a great deal of secrets, and Cassie wanted… needed… to learn what he knew.

So, she had followed him into the jungle willingly. 

Saint Jest was here to deal with her, while she was here to deal with him. The only unfortunate person among them was Helie, who had gotten entangled in their secretive clash against her will.