The Anomaly

Jest did not know what to do. 

A person like him, who had survived the end of the world and lived long enough to see a new one emerge from the ruins, could usually maintain composure no matter the circumstances. 

All kinds of unexplainable things were possible now that the Nightmare Spell ruled the world, and Jest had experienced more than a fair share of bizarre encounters. He had braved the wild reaches of the Dream Realm and the mournful desolation of the waking world, spending decades fighting harrowing monsters — humans and Nightmare Creatures alike. 

And yet, at that moment, he felt utterly lost. 

'It doesn't make any sense…'

Hiding his shock, he accessed a special panel on the sleeping pod and studied Anvil's vital signs. Everything seemed to be in order — he was perfectly healthy. His body was, at least. 

His soul, though, was not inside its mortal vessel at the moment. It was somewhere far away, in the depths of a Nightmare…