After having a short discussion, Cassie and Helie were ready to set out. There was no reason to linger, anyway — the decision had been made, and there was no going back.
Helie was concerned for the clan, but at the moment, the best way she could protect them was to play dead for a while.
The abominable jungle rustled eerily around the two of them, making Cassie's skin crawl. She shivered and placed her hand on the hilt of the Quiet Dancer, trying to find comfort in its familiar texture.
Altering Jest's memories had burned most of her remaining essence… in fact, she had been forced to cut the connection to most of her marks while delving into his past to preserve some, and as a result, she was truly and utterly blind at the moment.
She could not even activate her Awakened Ability — or rather, she could, but only for a short while. Which meant that it was better not to use her Aspect unless there was an emergency.