Cassie remained silent for a few moments.
Was that the answer she had expected? Or the opposite of it? She was not sure, since Ki Song — the Raven Queen — was a nebulous existence. She was much more reticent and withdrawn than Anvil, ruling the Song Domain from the depths of her obsidian palace.
Who knew what was on her mind?
Cassie smiled faintly.
"If you see the war as failure, why did you start it?"
The dead queen studied her quietly, then sighed.
"Are you really in the position to ask me questions, Song of the Fallen?"
There was no particular threat in her voice, but Cassie shivered.
What position was she in?
Blind, stripped of her Aspect, driven to her knees, and at the mercy of her captors… it was hard to imagine someone more powerless.
And yet, that was exactly where Cassie wanted to be. That was the position from which she was planning to break the Song Domain.