Start of The Game (7)

The giant stone wall that created was with Arcane arts as you can see the style and lines of the wall are too perfect to be constructed

and lets just not mention the smell of spiritual energy on the wall its just too obvious

The lines in the wall form strange paterns and images line some sort of Eastern Formation of immortal worlds

the giant Entrance gate that is made out of a strange wood that has a shine in its length like some sort of metal

the casual and bored guards at the gate that are looking at the carrige with alert and panic expressions as they looked at the patern on the carrige

the man driving the carrige is looking dead as always he looks at the gate with blank eyes that are filled with nothingness if that even possible

the man jumped from his spot to the ground without making any sound

his moviments are somewhat strange and sloppy like a pupet that is being controled by a novice pupeter

he open that door of the carrige as Janne jumps out of the carrige

the guards became stuned by her exotic looks

their old and rougth face is stained with a red blush

soon the sisters juped out of the carrige making one of the guards fainted with blood flowing of his nose like some sort of anime pervert that after looking at a beautyfull girl and faint on the ground while twiching

the other guard just looks at the girls stuned

just as he is about to go crazy

Baiyue jumps to reach his heigth and slaps his face hard making the guard look at him with anger and a funny fantasy like slap mark on his face

soon the guard remebers the mark engraved in the carrige as his face pales and his body began to tremble sligthly

he looks at the girls not with infatuation but with fear and reverance

the girls were looking at his him making tbe pressure on him increase

he opens the giant wooden gate with one hand as he says

"W-Welcome to The Magic city H-Heirs of the Shinomia Family, I Whish you good luck"

he says while his voice fails a bit and his tone changes from time to time

The Girls just nod at the old guard as they enter the city with ligth and soudless steps

as the Girls passes through the gate and the gate closes the guard colapses on the ground


as soon as they enter the city they can see the beggining of three ways that lead to tbe three main road of the city

The [Magic Market] a place where almost all Products that are Practice Related like Potions, Elixir, Tomes of Arcane arts and Martial arts Or information of Secondary ocupations like Alchemy, Array formations, Talismans, Divination and Medicine are sold out to the public


The [Main Road] the most Popular place in the Magic City to the public this Road have almost all normal Facilities from restaurants to Houses to Shops of normal contents that civilians or non Arcane users and Non Martial Artists use


And the [Entreteniment Road] The place where most Entreteniment Facilities like Parks or The Red light district is located
