However, Mina thought she had finally gotten through and was safe from her father's painful sanction. Someone knocked over their front door. She didn't have any idea yet who it could be. Still, something inside her made her stomach flip as if sending her some vibes that something terrible was about to happen.

She was about to get up from the table and open the door. However, her father stopped her.

"I will get that," he walked through the door, slow and exhausted. Mina could even see him slide his finger under his eyes, wiping his tears.

She felt bad for her father but, she would also feel bad for her if she would tell him the truth. She stood up, relieved that at least nothing worst had happened to her, and she had at least gotten over the situation with what she considered as white lies. At that moment, she believed she could finally get inside her room and rest, not until she heard who's voice was on her front door.

She felt a sudden rush of cold air that pulled over the thin skin of her entire body as she was covered with goosebumps again.

"Hello, Tito, is Mina there? I brought something for her from the city. I was supposed to give it to her this afternoon, but then, no one was home." It was Farah, and by that moment on, she knew without looking back that her father was already throwing a dagger look at her.

Mina closed her eyes and didn't look back. She knew with her father's look alone, she might die in fear if she would look at him. Mina planned to stride fast to her room and leave them. She wasn't even planning to talk with Farrah.

"Mina!" She flinched as her father's self-evident solid, annoyed voice uttered her name. She was scared at him hearing her name, even it was apparent that he was even trying to restrain his anger yet. "Come back here, and you got a visitor."

She was left with no choice but to turn around and smile awkwardly at Farah. Farah furrowed her brow as she could feel that something was not right inside that house. Her eyes darted over Mina and her father, and she could feel the tension.

"Hi Mina, I hope I didn't disturb you. I am just here to give you this, just like I promised." Farah was still standing between the jamb of their front door and hesitated to get in.

"Thank you, Farah, you are very thoughtful. Please come in and let's talk," Mina asked Farah with begging eyes. Mina assumed that her father might not hurt her in front of her friend. So she wanted her to stay longer. Even long enough until her father was tired of waiting and maybe fell asleep.

Farah wanted to do as Mina said, but as she darted her eyes to her father, it gave her some chills. He looked at Farah like he was giving her a threat, like it was telling her that she must go home and stay out of whatever was about to happen.

"Maybe next time Mina, I'm tired and need to rest too." Farah looked sad about her reply, but she was scared and felt like she needed to.

"Farah, don't you know that I was the one cooking dinner tonight? Do you want to taste it?" Sha barged in their conversation and peeked behind their front door. She, too, wanted to convince Farah to stay and help her sister with her future demise.

"Hadn't you heard her said, that she was tired and needed to rest? Let her go! Thank you for that gift, Farah, and thank you for coming here." Their father's voice reverberated and drowned over their conversation.

This time it wasn't Mina alone who flinched with it but all the three girls. The more it made Farah want to get out from there.

"Bye Mina, bye Sha, I'll just see you around." Farah walked away as fast as she could, while Mina's tears had already slid through her cheeks. She knew what would happen next.

Her knees began to shake again as she was rooted on the spot. She didn't know if she should move, but her dread prevented all the movement she was planning to take. She even lost the capability to think more.

The trauma went back to her again, making her incapable of thinking and reacting the way she should. She got no way out at that moment, and her whole body shivered more as she could sense her father moving towards her.

She closed her eyes, preparing herself for the pain that was coming, and not long, she felt her father's hand grabbing her hair. It made her lose her balance, and she stumbled on the floor. She couldn't help but look back to her father standing in front of her.

He wasn't holding his built anymore, but the painful, angry expression in his eyes was so apparent that he felt like he wanted to kill her.

"How dare you tricked me with your lies. You didn't even hesitate to lie to my face?" Mina's father swept his hands in a full blast that almost twisted Mina's face. The shape of his fingers was marked like it was being stamped perfectly on it.

It didn't take long that she could feel the swellings of her lips, but it didn't only end up there. Her father clasped her lips with his large hands hardly that some part of his nails dug deep on her skin. Mina was screaming in pain every time his hand hit her, and it wasn't only Mina's voice that could be heard outside their home.

Sha had been screaming and begged her father to stop, beating Mina. But it seemed he didn't hear any of their pleadings. All he could hear was his own voice cursing Mina, screaming to her again and again what she did, and asking her where she indeed had been and who she was with.

However, Mina didn't have a plan to answer her father anymore. She had been beaten, and she didn't want to drag Royce into that problem. If her father knew about Royce, she couldn't imagine what he would do with him.

She simply accepted all the pain and waited for him to get exhausted, and she knew it wouldn't be that soon not unless someone would come and stop him.