Chapter Six


Graduation day… It is the happiest day of my life. Not only because I will be awarded as the First Honorable Mention (award after the Valedictorian and Salutatorian), but because I just received the good news that I was accepted as a scholar of the Mayor's office. I can attend our public university without worrying about my tuition fee for the next four years. Marge's wasn't able to apply on time or pass any other scholarship, but we already have a plan. She will stop for a year and will work together with her mom. She will save up and try applying for a scholarship next year. 

We are all set. I feel like we are close to our dreams that we planned together. The house, the job, the washing machine and all.

I heard my mom called me, so I decided to look one last time in the mirror, fixing my graduation dress. I can't wait to go to school and see Marge. I know we cannot talk much during the ceremony, but I can't wait to see her. She will probably have a light make up and will definitely look beautiful with her hair curled up.

I can't help but to smile on the thought. She's really the most beautiful girl and I'm lucky that she is mine.


"Margie Tuazon!" I heard the principal call her name. The diploma was being handed out and the student together with their parents, are coming up to the stage one by one. I waved at her and she smiled, seeing me in the crowd. I was one proud girlfriend. 

After few more students, "First honorable mention, Dina Ferrer!" I heard my name called out. Going up on the stage with my mom, I heard my classmates "Congratz Dee!!!" shouted in unison. I smiled and waved… I saw Marge with them, who probably instigated the shouting.

After the ceremony, I was looking for Marge in the crowd. I want to see her and give her my gift at least. I know we can't walk home together because we are with our family.

"Dee!!!" she shouted.

I heard her voice and immediately went to her.

"Hey, I thought I will no longer see you." I said.

She stopped for a moment looking surprised.

"You are going home with your family, right?" I reminded her.

"Oh, yes… yes…" she answered. I actually called you, to give you my gift." she continued.

"Really? Me too actually." I replied sheepishly. 

"It's not much but this will be useful. I bought it with the money that I saved, so you better take care of it, okay?" She explained handing me a small rectangular box with a cute box.

"Me too, I bought it with my savings. I hope it fits you. This should remind you of all the promises I need to fulfill, you know." I explained giving her my gift.

She smiled at me, her eyes tearing up and looking sad.

"Hey, is there something wrong? Do you want to open our gifts together?" I asked, slightly worried.

"No… let's open it separately." As she stopped me from opening the box.

"Okay then. We should probably head back to our family too. For sure, my mom is already looking for me." I reminded her. 

"Come here." Marge called me opening her arms.

I smiled at the gesture and took her up for the hug. She hugged me tightly and whispered "Congratulations, Ms. First Honorable Mention." 

I laughed.

"I love you Dee, goodbye." She whispered, kissing me on the cheek and walk out.

I froze, surprised for a second. "Hey Marge, what do you mean goodbye? We're meeting at the BIG TREE later, right. Don't forget, you said 5PM!" I shouted, reminding her of what we've talked about as she run away.

I walked back to my family, holding the gift she gave me. Though I'm really excited to open it, I decided I would do it once I'm alone, probably later in the BIG TREE.


"Hey, Mom, I'm just going out for a while, okay. Just going to the BIG TREE." I shouted, leaving the house. It was 4:30 PM and I was excited to meet Marge and open her gift. I run, wanting to be there first.

"Okay, let's see what's this useful gift that my girlfriend gave me…" I happily thought. 

Upon untying the bow and opening the box, I saw a shining, dark blue, stainless pen. It's not the famous PARKER PEN, but it is definitely a high-quality pen. "How much did you spend Marge?" I worriedly asked in my mind. 

Underneath the pen, I saw a paper with a heart on it. I suddenly felt fluttering in my stomach, like butterflies inside me. I know I'm blushing now, so I decided to finish reading the paper while Marge is not around to see me in this state.

"To my Future Accountant,

I'm so… so… proud of you. I know I'll definitely be cheering you on tomorrow when I see you up there in the stage… calling you as our First Honorable Mention… But honestly, it should have been Valedictorian or Salutatorian. I know you are smarter than them. I told you many times that you only need to improve your recitation so you can get ahead. But anyways, you did not listen. 

I'm so lucky that someone like you fell in love with me. I was actually not expecting it. I mean, I bullied you, demanded you to do my homework, tricked you to go along with all my experiments or whatever silly things I could think of… but you still stayed with me…

I know, I don't deserve your kindness… your love… And this is me being selfish… but I definitely don't regret meeting you, spending time with you, being loved by you. If there's a part in my life that I will keep repeating over and over again, it will be these short high school years with you. I don't care if I have to do my homework, take hundreds of tests, or help my mom do the laundries every day. It won't matter, because in all this time, I know you were by my side. You love me and I love you.

I don't know if you will be able to forgive me, but I hope, one day you will. I know I won't be able to see it. But I hope you know, and you'll believe me when I say, that I truly love you Dee… And if only love was enough, I will stay right by your side, I will hold your hand as you fulfill the promises that we made. I will stay… I will support you and take care of you…

But this is our reality, our story was not blessed to have a happy ending, just bitter sweet memories. 

I only have one favor to ask Dee… you can forget all the other promises we've made before. But please promise me this… Promise me that you won't cry… that you won't try and waste your time looking for me because you won't find me... Promise me that you'll move on and continue with your life. Promise me that you will take care of yourself, that you will finish your studies and become great. I will always be rooting for you, my future accountant… 

Please forgive me Dee. I'm really really really really sorry. I don't want to do this, but I don't have other choice. I love you… I love you… I love you… I'm really sorry for leaving you like this… I love you Dee…."

I don't know when I started crying but tears keep falling down my eyes uncontrollably. This was the worst letter I've ever read in my life… but I can't crumple it. I can't tear it… I can't throw it out… This is the last thing that I have from her… This is the only thing she left…

I stood there frozen. Not sure of what to do. "This must be a joke, she can't leave me. She won't leave me I'm sure… She likes making fun of me or teasing me but all through the years we've spent together, she never did hurt me, not even once. Marge loves me.!!!" I shouted internally trying to reason out and refute the letter I'm holding. "It's only 4:55PM, she still has 5 minutes more… and she's always late too... I'm sure this is just a joke… this is not true… she's just testing me… she won't leave me like this… She promised that we'll see each other today… she promised!!!"

It's 5:05 PM and Marge is still out of sight. I already stopped crying… but my chest hurt… my heart is beating fast. "She's still not here." Without thinking twice, my body move, and I ran… "There's only one way to find out…" I ran as fast as I could to her house… "She'll be there… or I'll probably meet her halfway…" I kept thinking, hoping that all this, is just a lie…

I stopped at their front door. Panting heavily. I tried to calm myself and control my breathing. I knocked… there's no answer… I knocked again… but it still quiet… I opt to check their windows… but I can't see anything, the inside was all dark… "Oh, maybe at the back, maybe she's swamped with the laundries again…" I thought… But there's no one at the back, no clothes hanging on the rack, which is weird considering that I never saw the back of their house without it.

I ran to the front door again. I knocked hard this time calling her… "Marge!!! Marge!!! I know you're in there… Please, just stop this joke already… This isn't funny anymore… Marge!!! Marge!!! Marge!!!"

I don't know what time I got back home. I don't even remember hearing my mom yelling at me for being late. I don't remember how much I cried that day… how I much I begged in their front door… I think I lost my voice that day as I keep shouting her name… repeatedly… hoping she'll show up and appear in front of me once more…