004 Cursed Demon


Li Ruyu had never expected Chu Jin to set forth such a condition.

That humble and cowardly fool, how could he possess such courage?

Moreover, Chu Jin had always been under her control.

If she commanded Chu Jin to go east, he would not dare to go west.

In her presence, Chu Jin seemed as insignificant as an ant.

Why did it seem like ever since Chu Jin attempted suicide by jumping into the water, things had slipped out of her control?

Furthermore, fifty million was no small sum. If Chu Jin took the money and ran away...

Chu Jin could obviously see the suspicion in Li Ruyu's eyes, but she just smiled lightly.

"Auntie, it's fine if you don't agree. After all, I've already died once. Besides my comatose mother, I have no attachments left in this world. Moreover, even if I go to the Mo family, I can't escape their 'curse.' In that case, I might as well take my mother with me. If I'm gone, the only remaining daughter of the Zhao family who is affected by that 'ying energy'... will be my cousin."

The arc of Chu Jin's lips grew more pronounced, her meaning needing no further expression.

Anger deepened on Li Ruyu's face, "Are you threatening me?"

A poor orphan who had always groveled before her was now daring to speak to her in such a manner?

Zhao Yiling was also furious and pointed at Chu Jin, saying, "Chu Jin! Don't be shameless! If it weren't for my parents taking pity on you, do you think you have what it takes to marry into a prominent family like the Mo's?"

"A prominent family?" Chu Jin looked at Zhao Yiling with amusement, "Then cousin, why don't you marry into them?"

Zhao Yiling suddenly fell silent, clenching her fists in humiliation.

Chu Jin turned her head, continuing to address Li Ruyu, "Auntie, you have no other choice now. And, the benefits the Mo family brings to you are far more than just fifty million, aren't they? You should be as clear about this as looking into a mirror."

The smile on Chu Jin's lips was faint, but to Li Ruyu, it seemed piercingly sharp, no matter how she looked at it.

This person before her was rational, composed, and each word she spoke hit the bull's-eye, leaving no room for refusal.

And indeed, fifty million was a mere drop in the ocean compared to what the Mo family had promised.

The scrutinizing look in Li Ruyu's eyes grew stronger.

Was this person truly Chu Jin?

It utterly overturned the image of the timid, cowardly, and inept Chu Jin of the past.

After weighing her options, Li Ruyu gestured, instructing a servant nearby, "Uncle Quan, bring over a checkbook."

"Mom..." Zhao Yiling looked at her own mother unwillingly.

But Li Ruyu waved her hand to indicate that Zhao Yiling did not need to say more.

Chu Jin accepted the check Li Ruyu handed to her, the corner of her mouth curving into a trace of satisfaction.

Just as she was about to turn and leave, Zhao Yiling spotted her intention, "Stop! Where are you going?"

Chu Jin paused her steps and looked back at her, "I'm just going to the hospital. If you're worried, you can have someone follow me."

Li Ruyu stretched out her hand to hold Zhao Yiling's wrist, turning to Chu Jin, "In a few days, someone from the Mo family will come. Make sure you cooperate, and don't disgrace our Zhao family!"

Chu Jin replied indifferently with three words, "I understand."

Then she headed for the door.

Watching Chu Jin's receding figure, Zhao Yiling turned to Li Ruyu with puzzlement and asked with some concern, "Mother, why did you let her go just like that? What if..."

"Don't worry," Li Ruyu's piercing eyes flashed sharply, "she doesn't have the guts."


After leaving the Zhao residence, Chu Jin took a bus to a bank.

At the entrance of the bank.

Logically, at midday when the sun was fiercely hot, there should not have been many people around.

However, unexpectedly, there was a crowd gathered around the bank's entrance.


At the side, a very eye-catching top-tier luxury car was parked—the Bugatti Veyron.

The crowd gradually started to surge, and those people neatly and orderly stood into two rows, and only then did Chu Jin realize that their attire was very uniform, comprising standard suits and ties.

The man standing between these two rows was clearly a leader. He had his back to her, and just his silhouette alone sent a chill down her spine.

Chu Jin instinctively halted her steps and stood under the shade of a tree, looking straight ahead without glancing sideways.

If her eyesight was not mistaken, the man with his back to her was the famous dignitary of Capital City—Li Hanjiang.

Li Hanjiang was an undeniable big shot in Capital City.

At only 25 years old, his net worth had already exceeded a hundred million.

His ancestors had held official positions for generations, and his father was the mayor of Capital City. Combining politics and business had propelled his status in Capital City even higher.

The figure began to slowly turn around.

Chu Jin started to slightly squint her eyes.

It was the face of a young and handsome man.

Indeed, it was him, Li Hanjiang.

Li Hanjiang slowly walked toward that Bugatti Veyron. Chu Jin's senses were very sharp at the moment; even though she was far away, she could see the cautious air about Li Hanjiang's demeanor.

Cautious? Chu Jin frowned in slight disbelief. Who could be sitting inside the car to elicit such an expression from a big shot like Li Hanjiang?

The next moment left Chu Jin utterly dumbfounded.

She saw Li Hanjiang approach the car door and bow slightly, his gesture of opening the door was exceedingly respectful, and he even made a 'please' gesture with both hands.

Such a posture was extremely reverent.

Chu Jin felt a chill at the bottom of her heart. Just who was this significant personage to make Li Hanjiang stoop to such an extent!

After a short while,

a slender figure emerged from the car.

Against the light, the face was not very clear, but the distinct and sharp profile could vaguely be seen.

As well as the sharpness that could not be hidden all over his body.

Despite the distance, Chu Jin could still feel the cold and powerful aura emanating from the person, strong enough to be irresistible.

Who was this person?

Perhaps Chu Jin's gaze was too intense; the man who was walking in front suddenly looked back.

In an instant, she was caught in a pair of deep, cold black eyes.

If she had to describe him in four words, they would be—'unrivaled in beauty.'

Thin lips slightly pursed, a straight nose, and slightly upturned phoenix eyes glittering with a cold sharpness; finely chiseled delicate features and an ice-cold intimidating aura that, even in this scorching summer, could make one feel a chill over their entire body.

This was a dangerous man.

Especially those eyes.

Deep enough, heavy enough, the kind you cannot fathom.

Chu Jin hurriedly withdrew her gaze, lowered her eyes, and quickly walked towards the other side of the street.

Having been reborn, she wished only to seek revenge and settle her grudges; it was better for her to avoid such dangerous characters.

She couldn't afford to provoke such a person, either.

Li Hanjiang, who was walking behind, noticed the man's unusual behavior and stopped in his tracks, looking in the direction of the man's gaze. There was only a large tree there, nothing out of the ordinary.

With utmost respect, he approached the man and asked in a low voice, "Young Master Mo, shall we go in?"

The man slowly withdrew his gaze, the corner of his mouth curving into an imperceptible smile, and lightly exhaled a single word, "Let's."