028 Ten million!

In high society, there are never a shortage of people who enjoy watching a spectacle.

Moreover, since Li Hanjiang was a renowned big shot in Capital City, the main table was presently surrounded by numerous socialites and noblewomen who were keen to witness the drama.

Hearing this, Li Hanjiang looked up at Qian Jiayi and a slight smile touched his lips, "Miss, you ask a good question. I believe that everyone present might have the same curiosity."

With that fleeting glance, Qian Jiayi's face turned crimson, and her heart began to thump wildly.

At this moment, the crowd was discussing in low voices.

An elderly man with white hair and a long, deep beard stood up, "Young Master Li, could you lend this old man a look at the ring on your hand?"

The elder was dressed in a plain Tang suit and bore the demeanor of a sage.

He was none other than the head of one of the four great families of Capital City, the Wang family, Wang Zhen.