043 Another World


Meanwhile, the crystal ball on the table was emitting three colors invisible to the ordinary eye.

They were "green, red, black."

Gradually, these three colors merged into one and eventually formed the portrait of a young woman.

With a plump forehead and slender brows, her complexion was as white as snow, and her beauty was unparalleled. A small red mole adorned her left brow, adding a dash of heroic spirit to her gentle demeanor.

She was so stunning that all other things paled in comparison.

Her exquisite figure was enveloped in a red dress, with an ancient pavilion as the backdrop. On the side, there seemed to be a young man standing, erect as a lofty tree, but his face was somewhat blurred. Fortunately, his facial features were distinct, and one could make out the general contours.

Chu Jin subconsciously felt that this man seemed familiar, but she couldn't recall where she had seen him before.