045 Haunted by Ghosts (Second Update)

The middle-aged man heaved a sigh, "A young girl, who should have been in a classroom, attending her lessons, is instead out here, making her presence known. It's not easy for her."

"Young lady," the middle-aged man fished out some banknotes from his wallet and shoved them into Chu Jin's hands, "Take this money, it's getting dark. You should head home soon. Don't do this kind of thing again. It's really not easy, and the money isn't much, but I hope it can help you."

As he finished speaking, perhaps fearing he had wounded Chu Jin's pride, he added, "I mean no offense, miss. Just consider this money a loan. You can pay me back when you grow up."

Chu Jin looked at the banknotes in her hand, feeling a surge of warmth in her heart.

Indeed, there were still good people in this world.