Habit Three

Chu Family?

As far as he knew, in Capital City there was only one Chu Family, which was a prestigious household back in the day.

Unfortunately, they met with a disaster overnight, resulting in the loss of their home and deaths within the family.

Ever since the incident with Chu Liyan, the Chu Family had been on the decline, and bankruptcy was just a matter of time.

Although the Chu Family was no longer as prosperous as before, even a dying camel is bigger than a horse. Could Jin really take over the Chu Family so easily?

Huang Mao saw Chu Jin's expression change again and again.

Seeing Huang Mao's reaction, Chu Jin suddenly realized that she had never properly introduced herself to him.

After all, they were going to be partners striving together in the future.

Therefore, she formally said to Huang Mao, "I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Chu Jin, 'Chu' from Chu River and Han Border, 'Jin' from a beautiful and prosperous land. Everyone calls me Jin, and you can too."