089 Protect her completely

Zhao Yiling advanced slowly and took a seat on the sofa opposite Mo Qianjue.

The two then began to discuss Plan Z.

Mo Qianjue was smart; he knew Zhao Yiling might be sensitive about the issue of saving someone, so he didn't mention her rescuing him at all throughout the conversation.

As time ticked by, minute by minute, they chatted pleasantly with each other, and occasionally Zhao Yiling's crisp laughter could be heard.

After signing the last character on the contract, Zhao Yiling stood up and extended her right hand towards Mo Qianjue, "Mr. Mo, it's been a pleasure doing business with you."

Mo Qianjue took her hand and his gaze fell on the Blood Jade Bracelet, he couldn't help but praise, "The bracelet is very beautiful, it suits you well."

Zhao Yiling smiled faintly, her tone indifferent, "It's just a trinket, thank you for the compliment, Mr. Mo."

That Blood Jade Bracelet was clearly priceless, a one-of-a-kind treasure, yet she referred to it as merely a trinket.