104 Irresponsible Sister

Wang Xuxu?

A gleam of darkness flitted through Zhao Yiling's eyes, as a fragment of memory began to be elicited deep in her mind.

The doll-like face in front of her was gradually merging with that face from her memories.

One unbearable memory after another replayed before her eyes.

At the age of 8, when her family had just moved to Capital City, as a transfer student, she faced some unfair treatment at school.

Back then, Wang Xuxu was the haughty daughter of a high-ranking official, surrounded by a group of people as she pointed at her nose and scolded, "What gives you, a bumpkin from the countryside, the right to study in the same school as us, the daughter of a merchant reeking of the stench of copper coins!"

Everyone spat on her, calling her a ragged country bumpkin.

Sitting there with her head in her hands, anxious and uneasy, she only had to look up to see the fierce faces of those people.

From that moment, she deeply recognized the importance of power and influence.