You come by yourself, or shall I help you?

A fluttering playing card, how could it possibly have such great power.

How could I possibly lose to a nobody, it must be an illusion, it must be an illusion.

Some onlookers were still in a daze, curiously asking, "Hey Miss Wang, what happened to your clothes?"

"No, nothing," Wang Xuxu subconsciously pulled her clothes tighter, comforting herself in her heart, it's okay...

It must be the poor quality of the evening gown, the manufacturer skimped on materials, it has nothing to do with that playing card.

That nobody just happened to shoot the playing card onto the dartboard, it must have been just a fluke.

Chu Jin casually drew out five more cards from the table, pinched them between two fingers, and squinted her eyes.

'Whoosh whoosh whoosh'—in an instant, the five cards left her fingers, turning into a blur with full force and a brisk momentum, all sticking into the dartboard, still in the treble-20 zone!