110 True Purpose (second update)

Zhao Yiling looked at the person from a distance, adjusted her breathing, and then continued to walk in the direction of the two people.

She had always been confident in her appearance.

If she could make Li Hanjiang fall for her, there had to be a way to make this significant figure take notice of her.

Li Hanjiang was reporting to Mo Zhixuan with his head lowered, "Mo Shao, Luo Tian is extremely cunning. After interacting with Zhao Yiling for a few days, I haven't discovered his den. Do you think he might have moved his base to another location?"

As he spoke, Li Hanjiang looked up at Mo Zhixuan and seeing his expression unchanged, continued to express his doubts, "Or perhaps he has no dealings with the Zhao family at all?"

"Could all our speculations be incorrect?"

Mo Zhixuan turned a page of the document in his hand, the depths of his profound eyes pitch black, revealing no true emotions. His thin, cool lips moved slightly as he spoke softly.