Request 115 (second update)

The military officer wanted to say more, but upon seeing Song Shiqin's taut face, he swallowed the words on the tip of his tongue.

So-called military orders are like mountains, and even though he had much hesitation in his heart, he could not defy a military order.

Obedience is a soldier's sacred duty.


Song Shiqin glanced across, feeling inexplicably that the hostage being held by Dick seemed familiar. Because of the distance, the features were somewhat blurred, but the slender figure reminded him of someone he had seen somewhere.

Chu Jin's ears twitched slightly, capturing every word of the conversation from across the way.

Although she knew that Song Shiqin wasn't targeting her personally, but rather considering the bigger picture, she still felt somewhat upset upon hearing those words.

She was no saint, just an ordinary person with flesh and blood, who feared death, and moreover, this chance at rebirth had come at great difficulty.