154 Wake-up Call (Part 2)

Chu Jin smiled faintly, her jade-white fingertips touched the bottom of the "Ace of Pentacles" card, and her red lips parted slightly, "For example, the people here."

At the same time, Chu Jin took out the energy crystal from her backpack, and under the sunlight, the transparent Crystal Ball emitted a strange light.

Seeing the Crystal Ball, Mo Qianjue's pupils shrank, and his lazy posture disappeared in an instant as he shot up and sat on a branch.

A pair of phoenix eyes stared intently at the Crystal Ball, darkness swirling in the depths of their gaze.

An energy crystal actually appeared in the world...

The middle-aged man stared at the Tarot card, rubbing his eyes in disbelief.

After making sure it wasn't an illusion, he widened his eyes and focused intently on the card.

To others, that Tarot card might just be a lifeless object, but to him, it revealed the homeland he yearned for in his dreams.

In an ordinary peasant's small courtyard.