162 The surgery was very successful (second update)

She had never been interested in such matters, and moreover, she had enough trust in Lu Zhenglin.

Most of the time, Chu Jin only provided plans and funding, seldom getting involved in the company's affairs, acting as a hands-off boss.

What surprised Qin Zhenglin was that, not only was Chu Jin's mind nimble and her thinking rigorous, the solutions she provided were also perfect, without a single flaw.

Sometimes, when her curious colleagues asked who the mastermind boss was, Qin Zhenglin would casually find an excuse to brush them off.

If those people knew that the enigmatic and incredibly talented boss they spoke of was actually an 18-year-old girl, they would probably be devastated.

Her demeanor was nothing like that of an 18-year-old.

At times, Qin Zhenglin even doubted his own intelligence; he had lived more than thirty years and yet his insight couldn't match that of a girl who had just come of age.