179 That year (in the middle of the night)

Zhao Yiling had lost control of her emotions, and with a swing of her arm, she brushed off Li Ruyu and ran ferociously to the second floor.

Li Ruyu hurriedly followed her.

From the second floor, there came a series of 'bang bang bang.'

Chu Jin paced slowly, just stepping outside the gate, and when her foot crossed the threshold of the Zhao family villa, tears surged forth from the eyes that had slowly been drying, falling in large drops like beads slipping off a string.

Even though the Zhao family hadn't treated her former self well, at the moment of true farewell, her soul still deeply yearned for this place.

After all, this was where her former self had lived for 11 years.

Eleven years, 4,015 days and nights, 96,360 hours, 5,781,600 minutes.

Even cold stones could be warmed by touch, let alone a human heart.

Unfortunately, not every heart can be warmed.

Some hearts are colder than ice, harder than iron and stone.