202 Goddess or Loser

Hearing that the strange uncle was about to leave, the little Lolita's eyes lit up.

Great, finally no one to disturb her and Jin's time together.

Song Shiqin turned to look in the direction of Chu Jin, who was walking back from the side of the road. The gentle breeze stirred up her long hair, making her peach blossom eyes shimmer in the night, translucent and bright, impossible to ignore.

Chu Jin walked past Song Shiqin, took a seat on the stool at a leisurely pace, and casually said, "Mr. Song, you're leaving?"

Song Shiqin nodded slightly, "Yes, I won't disturb Miss Chu any longer, I take my leave." With those words, he stood and departed.

"Wait," Chu Jin called out to his retreating figure.

Hearing the clear voice behind him, Song Shiqin subconsciously halted, turned his head and asked, "Is there anything else, Miss Chu?"

With a bend in her lips and a flutter of long lashes, Chu Jin spoke with a brimming smile, "Has Mr. Song forgotten something?"