211 This spot is mine (third watch)


Madam Mo lightly lifted her eyelids, glancing casually at Zheng Chuyi. "Since you are here, find a place to sit."

Madam Mo was well aware of Zheng Chuyi's scheming, but she simply preferred not to point it out.

Upon hearing this, a flicker of disappointment crossed the depths of Zheng Chuyi's eyes. She had thought that by mentioning her discomfort, Madam Mo would show her at least some concern. To her surprise, Madam Mo's reaction was so indifferent!

Did she not fear that in a fit of anger, Zheng Chuyi would leave the Mo family?

After all, she was the only one with the Bloodline of Fire Bathing in the world. If she were to leave, how would Mo Zhixuan survive the Extreme Yin Night!

Zheng Chuyi took a deep breath, trying hard to calm herself. After all, tonight was the important night when she would measure up against this lowly commoner, and she couldn't afford to lose the grace of the number one beauty of the Superpower World at such a time.