243 Tiger's Watchful Eyes (Part 3)

Gan Mingxie slightly furrowed his brow, voicing the doubt in his heart, "Father King, but with such a vast sea of people, how can we be certain who the fated female is?"

The King of Hades sipped his tea and said with a grave face, "She who can play the ancient Konghou, lift the seal, and summon the Dancing Dragon and Phoenix is the fated female."

To play the ancient Konghou?

Gan Mingxie was startled, the image of that girl playing the Konghou flashed before his eyes.

If it was just as the King of Hades said, wouldn't Chu Jin be the fated female?

With this thought, Gan Mingxie abruptly looked up, "Father King, are you saying that the person who can play the ancient Konghou and conjure the spectacle of the Dancing Dragon and Phoenix is the fated female?"

The King of Hades nodded slightly, "Naturally, it's true," then he narrowed his eyes, looking at Gan Mingxie, "Ming'er, from what you're saying, do you know who is the master of the ancient Konghou?"