266 So-called Family Ties (Second Update)

"Qi Qi," Zhou Ru scolded Sun Qi Qi with a stern look, "How do you speak to your sister? Apologize to her right now!"

"What I said is the truth, her last name is Chen and mine is Sun, we have nothing to do with each other, why should I apologize?" Sun Qi Qi said with a sarcastic tone, "Who knows what intentions she has for coming back!"

Zhou Ru didn't expect that in just half a year away from home, her daughter would become like this. She frowned and said in a cold voice, "Qi Qi! Don't talk about your sister like that! Apologize to her immediately!"

Sun Qi Qi snorted coldly, "Mom, please see clearly, I am your biological daughter! Some people left and didn't come back for over a decade, never even visiting you once in all those years. And now they return at this time, who knows what they're plotting. Mom, you need to be careful, don't be deceived!"

Could she not see through Chen Xinci's petty tricks?