289 Spoiling You! (First update)

When bratty kids rule the land.

Chu Jin felt somewhat helpless, touching her forehead. Forget it, forget it, why quarrel with a child!

Right then, Chu Jin squatted down, looked the little Lolita in the eyes, wiped her tears, and comforted her, "Pengpeng, don't cry anymore, be good, huh. As your brother, I won't lower myself to argue with a little brat."

The little Lolita rubbed her eyes. Though she didn't cry out loud, her tears kept falling pitter-patter, showing no sign of stopping.

With a sniffle, she said, "He said I'm a child without a mother, he bullies me at school too..."

Chu Jin was so occupied with comforting the little Lolita that she completely missed the sly gleam that flashed through the big eyes beneath the little girl's hands, alongside her tears.

The bratty kid slapped the little Lolita on the butt, singing a tune with great glee, "Poor kid, oh, a motherless child like a rootless weed..."

"Wuu wuu wuu..." The little Lolita cried even harder.