364 (pre-dawn)

The woman in the picture, with facial features identical to Chu Jin's, smiles as she looks ahead.

If the person, time, and place had been right, even Chu Jin would almost believe it was herself.

"This picture... is it photoshopped by a master?" Looking at the photo, Chu Jin frowned slightly.

After all, some people would do anything for fame these days.

The blogger gained over 100,000 followers with just this post.

"It's not photoshopped," Zi corrected her expression, "It's plastic surgery. This person has clearly gone under the knife to mimic your appearance, then took advantage of the situation to try and replace you, and it looks like she has deceived quite a few people already."

"Take a look at this video," Zi waved her little hand, and a video automatically began to play on the screen.

The place was very familiar.

The third canteen of South Bridge No.2 Middle School.

Watching the video, the coldness in Chu Jin's eyes grew denser, and her hands clenched tighter.