370 (first watch of the night)

These pitch-black eyes were truly too familiar.

They were giving her a sense of vast antiquity, as if spanning across lifetimes.

But soon, he brushed past her, his turning seemingly indifferent, yet it brought a chilly breeze with it.

Her black hair danced, and a faint scent wafted from her locks.

Sweeping over his dark police uniform.

His expression remained unchanged, he didn't even spare Chu Jin a glance.

From beginning to end, his demeanor screamed 'strictly business.'

Chu Jin thought for a long time but still couldn't figure out who he was.

Whether before her rebirth or after, she did not know this person.

This unfamiliar familiarity probably was just an illusion.

A group of people arrived swiftly and left just as quickly.

However, when they left, they deleted all the content of the journalists' interviews from today.

Their actions were very practiced; one could tell that they were accustomed to doing such things.