375 (first watch of the night)

A cat and a dog, the sounds of communication between two different species grew louder and louder.

Don't be fooled by Bread's naive and honest dog appearance, when it starts barking, its voice is louder than anyone's.

"Woof woof woof!" You sly moggie!

"Meow meow meow!" You silly, dark-furred dog!

As the battle escalated, the little girl slapped Bread's head, "Bread! Don't bully Xiao Bai (Little White)!"

"Woof…" Bread looked wronged, hanging its head low.

"Meow meow meow." Xiao Bai rubbed against the girl's head in triumph.

You fool of a dog, with that silly look of yours, you still dare to compete with His Majesty for affection!

Reluctant to accept defeat, Bread whimpered, then raised its head and rubbed against the little girl's head, trying to take Xiao Bai's place.

But the girl swatted him away with disgust, "Go away, go play by yourself."