377 (third watch of the night)

After ten days of frayed nerves, Chu Jin now leaned back in her chair, quite lazily, half closing her eyes, "Is it really that exaggerated?"

"Anyway, in all the years I've lived, I've never seen her set foot in the kitchen," Mo Qingyi glanced in the direction of the kitchen, lowered her voice, and whispered, "She probably can't even tell salt from MSG! We'd better just pray for mercy later..."

While they were talking, Duanmu Zhe, who had parked outside, also came in. As soon as he arrived, he immediately switched into 'frenemy mode' with Mo Qingyi, with neither willing to back down as they took shots at each other.

Mo Qingyi put her hands on her hips, huffed, and said, "Duanmu Third Wheel, you're seriously lacking in manners! Don't you know men should give way to women?"

"Wom..." Duanmu Zhe dragged out the last syllable, sizing up Mo Qingyi from head to toe, finally resting his gaze on her flat chest, "Man? Are you sure you are one?"

A man could be killed but not humiliated!