402 Worldly matters are like a chess game, full of bizarre twists and turns (First update)

Wen Ziyao seeks her help?

Looking at her like this, she indeed seems to genuinely regret her past actions.

Chu Jin slightly raised an eyebrow, "Let's talk inside." With that, she turned and walked toward the villa's front gate.

Wen Ziyao followed her steps.

Today was Aunt Zhang's day off, so there was no one inside the villa. The door was equipped with facial recognition, and all the appliances were smart devices. As soon as the front door opened, the crystal chandelier in the living room lit up, the blinding white light prompting Wen Ziyao to subconsciously shield her eyes.

"Have a seat." As the host, Chu Jin poured her a glass of water.

Wen Ziyao took the glass, sipped it lightly, and said, "Thank you, Master Chu."

Under the bright light, Wen Ziyao's already pale complexion looked even more deathly white, almost blending in with the white flower on her head.

Haggard, frail.

Her face extremely grayish, her eyes filled with melancholy.