404 (Fourth watch)

And from his wife's swollen figure, it could be seen that inside her belly, a new little life was being nurtured.

The arrival of the child saved this gray, childless family.

The scene shifted, instantly transitioning to another.

Within the graveyard, the couple was holding their 5-month-old son, visiting the grave of their departed daughter.

"Little Man, this is your little brother. Your dad and I brought him to see you. Your brother, he looks just like you did when you were little, just as smart and cute. Sometimes I think, maybe our Little Man has come back to us..."

The Lin Xiaoman on this side had already broken down into tears.

Meanwhile, Mother Lin's voice was also hoarse and rough.

The sun peeked out from behind the clouds, casting a layer of golden light over the earth.

Where there is sunlight, there is hope.

The couple held the child, slowly walking out of the graveyard, and the scene upon the water likewise faded away.