Homecoming (Part 2)

The youth was kicked and sent flying against the wall.

Blood splattered on the ground, forming a fresh red stain.

The frail body of the youth convulsed violently a few times, then he lost consciousness.

From then on, no one else dared to beg for mercy.

Being alive, at the very least, there was hope.

They all hung their heads low, trembling all over, like a flock of sheep ready for slaughter.

Suddenly, Luo Tian's attention was drawn to the boy who stood out from the rest because, in the entire room, only he dared to stare intently at him. Luo Tian's sinister eyes fixed on the boy, his face breaking into a malicious, playful sneer, "Start with him."

The cat and mouse game was his favorite to play.

The youth did not resist, nor did he flinch, standing straight up, his lips pressed tightly together!

The feeling of cold, hard steel needles piercing his flesh continued.

The icy liquid spread to every part of his body along his veins.