460, Extremely Yin Night (7) (First Update)

Zhang Linzi and Qin Qingchen came here to see Zheng Chuyi.

The extraordinary girl who played the konghou.

The destined one, the Eternal Empress reincarnated, whose playing of the konghou could beckon the Dancing Dragon and Phoenix.

She could resurrect the dead and mend flesh and bone.

Bring life to all things.

And there was an ancient prophecy circulating throughout the three realms:

When the marvel appears, the dragon and the phoenix dance.

The phoenix reigns over the world, uniting the three realms.

This was only the first two lines.

The last two lines have always been unknown to later generations.


When my master returns, it will be a prosperous era for the world.

We will compose a picturesque land of rivers and mountains together.


Zhang Linzi and Qin Qingchen were not just the Prophet and the Master of Figures; they were also witnesses to history.

And protectors of the Empress.

They were born for the Empress.