463, Extremely Yin Night (10) (Fourth Update)


"You're hurt this badly and still say it's nothing!" Zheng Chuyi's face was stern, and she didn't take the brocade pouch from Qiuse's hand. Instead, she supported her arm with great concern and said, "Who told you two to decide on your own to fetch the Konghou? It's just an inanimate object after all! Was it worth it for both of you to suffer such serious injuries for it? Come on, I'll take you to get treated."

As she finished speaking, she helped the two of them towards the upstairs.

These words hit right at the hearts of Qiuse and Zhang Ying.

Just with these words, they felt that even if their injuries were more severe, it would be worth it.

Zheng Chuyi always knew how to make a good impression.

Her use of language was particularly clever.

With just a few words, she could make people willing to give everything for her, even their lives, and those people would still feel grateful to her.