487, (first update)

Why must everyone make things difficult for me?


Zheng Chuyi's expression became increasingly ferocious.

It seemed as if she hated everything to the point of wanting to annihilate heaven and earth.

"Hehehe..." Zheng Chuyi clenched the soil beneath her tightly, letting out a sinister chuckle from the depths of her throat. It was unclear whether she was repenting or filled with rage. Her once pure white fingers were now filthy, sullied by the mud.

The carefully manicured nails were also broken into irregular shapes.

Her appearance was particularly wretched.

If anyone were present, they would probably find it hard to believe that this was the same high and mighty beauty of days past.

Zheng Chuyi's eyes poisoned with hatred stared at the sky as she spoke with immense bitterness, "Was I wrong? Was I wrong? I just wanted to take back what belonged to me! Am I at fault?"