494, (third update)

With considerable force, Mo Qingyi lashed out with her whip, causing Zheng Chuyi's head to jerk violently to the side as a gruesome bloodstain immediately appeared on her snow-white face!

From her forehead to her left cheek, a long gash tore through her beautiful features.

A pain so intense it felt like drilling shot up from her face, and Zheng Chuyi couldn't help but let out a piercing scream.

Her face, it was probably ruined.

That face she was so proud of!

"Ah!" Zheng Chuyi let out a roar of rage!

"So noisy," Mo Qingyi said as she casually dug into her ear and snapped her fingers. The clamor immediately ceased to exist.

This too was a spiritualist's ability.

To control the hearts of people with words.

Bond to that place, Zheng Chuyi convulsed relentlessly.

Mo Qingyi looked towards her with a faint smile, her left hand grasping the cold-gleaming Longsword and thrust it straight towards Zheng Chuyi's chest. "Zheng Chuyi, farewell forever!"