553, a bit dizzy and disoriented (second update)

But this girl was clearly not as tall as him!

How could she walk so fast?

"Then, are you with friends?" the man continued to ask.

Chu Jin stopped in her tracks, glanced at him sideways, and said steadily, "I came with my fiancé."


The man halted, watching her retreating figure, a look of regret crossing his face, originally thinking a beautiful encounter could be formed, but unexpectedly, she was already someone else's fiancée.

What a pity! What a pity!

Following the Pendulum's instructions, Chu Jin successfully found the small grove.

The trees in the grove grew very densely.

Even during the day, the sunlight could not penetrate, creating a very sinister feeling.

Nobody usually set foot in the little grove, and as Chu Jin walked around, she found footprints on the ground and signs of tree branches having been broken.

In front of a grave, she found the corpse of a black cat.

Chu Jin frowned slightly, the death of the black cat was not a good sign.