572, Release the Snake to Bite You (Part 2)


"Understood." The group that just got off the vehicle seemed listless.

Song Shiqin's face was gloomy as he raised his voice, "Understood?"

The crowd was jolted to attention and instantly shouted loudly, "Understood!"

Satisfied, Song Shiqin then had two officers distribute a black bag to everyone.

After everyone had received their bags, Song Shiqin continued, "Simply put, wilderness training means that you will rely on your abilities to survive in these mountains for ten days. The bag contains a tent, a dagger, and a satellite phone. In case of an emergency, you can use this phone to call for help, and we will arrange for someone to come to your aid."

"Instructor, what will we eat? And what about drinking water?" a male student asked.

Song Shiqin glanced at him and said sternly, "Fend for yourselves. There are basic cooking tools in the bag."

Hearing this, people looked at each other, and disbelief was evident in everyone's eyes.