587, it's pouring rain.

Seeing that the person approaching was actually Lu Yan, Shen Lingtian didn't bother to hide his frown, and his eyes were filled with disgust. "What are you doing here?"

"Lingtian, I came to find you, I know you still love me, please don't leave me," Lu Yan ran over and hugged Shen Lingtian's waist.

"Let go of me!" Shen Lingtian, like a changed person, heartlessly pried Lu Yan's hands away and said coldly, "Get lost! This isn't a place for you to stay!" With that, Shen Lingtian pulled open the car door and got inside.

"Lingtian, you can't be so heartless!" Lu Yan followed, opened the passenger door, and sat down inside.

"Lu Yan! Can't you have some shame?" Shen Lingtian turned his head away in disgust. "It's over between us! Can't you stop clinging to me? Don't you think you've already hurt me badly enough?"

It was all because of this despicable woman. How could he have ended up like this today if it weren't for her?