603, The Person with a Story (First Update)

A pear tree laden with blossoms bows over the begonia.

It is a seven-character quatrain composed by the literary figure of the Northern Song Dynasty, Su Shi, to mock his friend Zhang Xian for marrying an eighteen-year-old concubine at the age of eighty!

Was he that old?

Han Zixiu, infuriated, realized that Mo Zhixuan had deliberately used this verse to provoke him!

He had long known that beneath Mo Zhixuan's icy demeanor hid a sordid heart.

Han Zixiu had known Mo Zhixuan for quite some time, one being water and the other fire, neither could stand the sight of the other.

Theoretically, a cold person like Mr. Mo shouldn't be able to get into arguments with anyone.

Yet fate had it that he met Han Zixiu.

The two had known each other for many years and had squabbled for just as long, from the Superpower World to the secular world.

They quarrelled endlessly and with great zest.