646, he said he knows the news about Jin Ge (first update)


"Pengpeng, stop it!" Chu Xiu came over to stop the little girl's actions, struggling to speak, "My sister... she's dead."


The little girl's eyes widened.

She looked at Chu Xiu in disbelief.

That can't be.

Jin was so powerful.

She couldn't be dead.

"Xiu brother, stop joking around..." The little girl tried hard to squeeze out a smile, "Jin... isn't she sleeping there just fine? She's not dead, you're joking with me, aren't you?"

Chu Xiu immediately burst into tears.

The little girl's eyes widened, tears uncontrollably streaming down her face, her small figure collapsing and kneeling on the ground, her young face etched with despair.

Jin was her hero.

As the rain grew heavier.

It became hard to tell if the faces around were wet from tears or rain.

Throughout the process, Mo Zhixuan remained calm.

He even joined the others, lifting the ice coffin into the grave, then picked up a shovel to start covering it with soil.