693, Must Finish it on Knees! (Second Update)

Auntie Lin smiled and continued, "Jin, I don't oppose you being with Zhixuan, but after all, Zhixuan is a person of status. Just now, I heard you call him by his name directly, which... isn't that a bit inappropriate?"

In fact, Auntie Lin was also considering Chu Jin's situation.

She didn't know about Chu Jin's past with Mo Zhixuan. She was afraid that Chu Jin's informality might annoy Mo Zhixuan, and eventually, she might be abandoned by him.

Men are always seeking novelty.

It's possible that one day, Mo Zhixuan might grow tired of Chu Jin.

In Auntie Lin's view, if Chu Jin wanted to stay with Mo Zhixuan for a long time, she must please him.

Hearing this, Chu Jin smiled gently, "Godmother, aren't names given to be used? Otherwise, what's the point in having a name?"

Chu Jin didn't think as much as Auntie Lin did, and she didn't feel that she was unworthy of Mo Zhixuan.

She believed she was Mo Zhixuan's equal in every way.